
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tween Sleepover

We all had so much fun celebrating my nieces' eleventh birthdays with a sleepover, I thought we should make it an annual event. Spring break falls in between the girls' 12th birthdays, which makes it easy to pick a day for them to come over. My nieces made a list of things they wanted to do during our sleepover. We crossed off several of them and added more to the list. Our activities included:
  • A blind taste test (identify the color of Skittles)
  • A blind smell test (using various spices and baking items)
  • An egg toss
  • Baking and decorating cupcakes

  • Zumba (I asked my nieces if they wanted to attend my Monday night Zumba class with me. We have free visitor passes to the YMCA and they are old enough to attend. As always, it was a fun workout!)
  • Play games (Old Maid, Jenga, Taboo)

  • Stay up late to gossip
  • Eat snacks and watch a movie (None of us made it through Mean Girls.)
  • Make homemade waffles for breakfast
  • Play with the kids

  • Walk around uptown

  • Meet my friends at the children's library for a morning of play

  • Lunch at Brixx (pizza, pasta, and salad)
  • More games, texting, selfies, and cupcakes
  • Play outside with Jack and trio (bubbles, chalk, sandbox, etc)
I hope they had as much fun as I did. It's a fun way for me to learn more about my nieces as well as teen culture. It's also a fun glimpse into what the future might look like with Maddie and Amelia. 

Happy 12th birthday, girls!

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