
Monday, July 25, 2016

The End of an Era (Goodbye, Preschool)

This post is an entire two months late, but I know I'll want to look back on this one day, so it's better late than never.

After three years, Jackson's preschool days are over. I created a comparison picture for fun. On the left is his first day of preschool in October of 2013 at age two.  On the right is his final preschool picture, taken in May of 2016 at age five.

You can read about Jackson's preschool journey here, most of which are in his own words:
First day in 2's class (Oct. 2103)
First day in 3's class (Sep. 2014)
First day at new school (Feb 2015)
First day of summer school (June 2015)
First day in 4's class (Sep. 2015)

Jackson's current preschool has a formal graduation ceremony with a cap and gown. We borrowed one from an older friend, who is clearly larger than Jackson! In typical Jackson fashion, he chose to wear his red boots.

At least the close-ups look good!

On the day of graduation, we attended a cookout at Jackson's best friend's house before the program. Amelia lost her mind on the drive there, attacking and biting James. We had to pull over and make her switch carseats with Jackson. Everyone was in tears by the time we got there! Thankfully the rest of the day was filled with great memories. 

Jesse's parents met us at the school to attend the graduation. The preschoolers marched while Pomp and Circumstance played. Jackson and his best peers were beaming!

One slightly odd thing to note was that Jackson apparently wants to be a swim teacher. This is what he told his teachers, had written on his booklet, and announced on the microphone. Nevermind the fact that Jackson doesn't know how to swim and has only been in a pool a dozen times in his entire life.

 We went back to our house for cake and ice cream with family.

We will be transitioning to kindergarten in our very near future. Jackson attended a different preschool each of his three years. I think this forced him to become more adaptable and less resistant to change. He makes friends easily and goes with the flow. My once shy, withdrawn boy is now able to play with anyone and considers everyone his friend. I'm proud of his progress, academically, physically, and socially, I expect great things from my school loving, rule following, easy going boy.

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