Thursday, April 9, 2015

Birthday Boy

At 4:28 this morning, Jackson officially turned 4. Our crazy boy has evolved into quite a thoughtful, energetic, determined young boy. Birthdays are always a change for me to be nostalgic, so here are a few of my favorite photos that show Jackson's maturing, lovable face.

We'll be celebrating Jack's birthday with a family party on Saturday. Of course, I also wanted him to feel special today. I've been asking him over the past several days what he wanted to do on his birthday. The only consistent things he told me he wanted were:
1. a special pizza lunch
2. to play with his friends
3. a turtle cake
4. a pinata

I was able to deliver most of those things. Thursday mornings are reserved for Zumba. After a rough start to our morning (i.e. birthday boy in time out for repeatedly shoving his siblings) I was relieved to drop the kids off in the playroom and dance my stress away. 

There is a CiCi's a few minutes from the gym. An all you can eat buffet with four young kids on my own was definitely not my first pick, but it's not my birthday. We had a very successful lunch, per Jackson's request. 

Next on the birthday agenda was a play date with Jackson's friends. Two of them had to cancel last minute, but we still celebrated with three friends. Last night Jackson randomly requested a pinata. He was so enthusiastic about it and rarely requests things on his own. I didn't want to disappoint him. Party City closed before I was able to get there, but I found this cute dinosaur pinata at Target. The hook for our bird feeder doubles as an excellent pinata holder. The kids hit the pinata, stabbed it with a baseball bat, and stomped on it, without so much as making a dent in it. After the adults made no progress, we finally tore it open with our hands, then made it rain candy. Good times!

The only request Jackson made that I didn't follow through with was the turtle cake. I plan on making that for his family party on Saturday. Today I made a cookie cake for his friends to share. 
Jackson opened his presents. He was especially fond of a bug set that came with a net, magnifying glass, and bug carrier.

Our evening was spent playing with play-doh, trying to catch bugs, feasting on tacos and more cookie cake, and getting ready for bed. To carry on my own mother's tradition, we've sung "Happy Birthday" to Jackson dozens of times. He's started singing it to himself now.

Jesse, Jack, and I are currently snuggling on the couch together watching Cat and the Hat. Jackson said his favorite part of his birthday was "breaking the pinata and eating desserts and catching bugs".

Happy 4th birthday, Jackson Lee!


  1. The piñata was a HUGE hit at Brycen's birthday party too. Great idea handing it on the shepards hook! Happy birthday Jackson!

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes for Jack! Who knew a pinata could be so entertaining?!
