Saturday, July 26, 2014

Spiritually Fed

July has been a very spiritually fulfilling month for a variety of reasons. It took Jesse and I a while to stop being cynical towards one another in regards to our different religious beliefs. Once we finally came to an understanding and agreed to stop nagging the other person about going to church or not going to church, I've been able to enjoy my time at church much more. It's allowed me to focus on my faith journey, independent from our marriage. I've volunteered to participate in a few things outside of Sunday worship that have been especially meaningful this month.

Communion for Homebound Members
Jackson and I joined the pastor and a few other church members to visit multiple homebound members at their houses and retirement centers. We each had a role in a mini-service and shared communion with those members. Jackson was amazingly well behaved considering we were gone for four hours in strange homes and driving all around the county. The experience was made more meaningful by Jackson's presence. The elderly members gravitated towards him. The only reason Jackson came is because he wanted to visit "Maw Maw Jack", his honorary grandmother who has had declining health in the recent months. She is truly one of the most genuine women of God I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. It was a privilege to be in her home and serve her communion. 

Meeting with Christian Education Team 
I had lunch with the CE team to outline my plan as youth director. I will take over weekly youth group meetings in September. The youth program has fizzled out over the past year, so I feel really blessed to be able to bring energy and consistency back into the program. The night before the meeting I stayed up til the wee hours preparing a detailed plan of the first five weeks of youth group (complete with ice breakers, scripture passages, and devotion/activities). Thankfully it was well-received by the team, which includes a youth and parent. My experience as youth director in college was the most gratifying position I've ever held. To say that I am excited to return to this role at this time in my life is an understatement.

Wednesday Night Small Group
One of the things our church has been lacking is small groups. I joined a multi-age group that meets at a member's house every Wednesday. It's an intimate group where we can share our joys and concerns. The emphasis of the group is less on scripture study and historical context, rather, an emphasis on reflecting where God is in your life and where you need support. We have prayer partners where we have guided questions and pray for one another by name. The group meets at 7:30 pm, which means I am able to help put the triplets to bed before I leave and tell Jackson, "good night".

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