Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lazy Day--Sunday, June 12

The only thing I really accomplished today was going to church.  The pastor suggested wearing red to celebrate Pentecost Sunday and the Global Day of Prayer.  Jackson only has one red shirt and we try to dress him a bit nicer for church.  He's really too tall for the overalls so we had to roll up the pant legs.  Jesse and I joked that Jackson looked like a little Huckleberry Finn today.

Jackson received plenty of love at church.  He let the whole congregation know he was there, too!  After church Jesse hung the laundry outside while I fed Jackson.  We ate lunch, looked through the sales adds, surfed the web, had tummy time, etc.  Before I knew it, all the boys were settled in for a nap.

Seriously, the only productive thing we did today was laundry.  ("We" meaning Jesse!)  Apparently Aldi closes at 6 pm on Sunday so we didn't even shop for groceries.  Jackson has slept almost all day, which is so atypical.  We are watching a crazy thunderstorm and eating popcorn.  The cable is out, which means no phone, internet, or TV.  Jesse and I are running out of things to talk about!  That's our sleepy Sunday update.

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