Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We Have a Heifer--Wednesday, April 27

I have been stressing about Jackson's weigh in for over a week now.  I was so nervous that he was spitting up too much and not getting enough milk.  It's impossible to tell how much milk he's really getting while breastfeeding.  He generally eats 10-15 minutes at a time, but I don't have a clue how many ounces that is.  Jackson weighed 8 lbs 15 oz at birth and 8 lbs 7 oz when he was discharged from the hospital.  The goal was to at least be at his birth weight today.  I was SO HAPPY to see the scale read 9 lbs 11 oz this morning at the doctor's office.  No worries about having to supplement with formula or stress over recording every time he eats on one of those nursing logs.

I finally cleaned out my car yesterday and Jesse installed the carseat for me.  I drove to the 2 week check up today and made Jesse sit in the back seat with Jackson just to make sure his head didn't flop around.  We bought one of those mirrors you put in the back seat so you can see your baby in the rearview mirror.  It didn't work, so we still need to figure that out.  I get paranoid about his chin on his chest cutting off his airway.  (His chin isn't on his chest, but I still worry his head will fall forward somehow.)  I wouldn't hear him if he stops breathing so he could not be breathing and I wouldn't even know.  I know it's dangerous to stare in the mirror and not the road, but it would give me a little peace of mind to be able to see him when I want.

I decided to join Charlotte Mommies group online.  They have local groups so I joined the University Area moms.  They have playdates, mommy meet ups, family picnics, bunco, etc.  It mostly consists of stay at home moms because the majority of events are scheduled during the day.  Technically, I will be a stay at home mom until August when I go back to work, so I might as well network with other moms.  I think I'll try one of their events next week when Jesse goes back to work.

The job interview today was very confusing.  I couldn't get a read on the principal.  At times she spoke as if I clearly had the job and at other times she didn't even seem interested.  I'm not worried one way or the other since I already have a job.  We could use the extra money, but it would come with extra stress.  God will provide, so I'll just wait and see.

Domino's has pizza for $3.99 on Wednesdays so Jesse and I are going to binge on pizza, cuddle with our handsome baby boy on the couch, and catch up on the DVR.  What a life...   : D

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