- Lunch w/ Jason & Chrissy and MawMaw at the K&W. (Shout out to Chrissy, who received a better, higher paying job! Now if we can just get Jesse a job!)
- Baby Shower for Coworker-Jackson was once again passed around and admired by my former staff. The only time he wasn't held by someone else was while I was nursing. As my friend opened up all of her baby gifts, Jackson just stared at her with big eyes. His face lit up when she pulled out any of the toys. It was really fun to watch him absorb it all, especially since I wasn't the one holding him and could see his face`.
- 1st time in the nursery-Now that Jackson is 3 months old, Jesse and I thought we should try out the church nursery. Since it's such a small church, we know and trust all of the nursery workers. I was told that Jackson played a bit before consuming a 4 oz bottle. He then slept the remainder of the service. This was the first time anyone has watched Jackson for us while Jesse and I were away. It felt strange, but it was nice to actually be able to worship instead of focusing on my child. In the last three months, the sermon has become background noise while I've invested all of my energy on Jackson. That's no way to worship.
- Healthy Living-Jesse and I decided we would make a conscious effort to eat better and exercise during the week. This of course meant we needed to purge our house of all unhealthy food by eating it over the weekend. While finishing off the cookies Slightly contradicting ; D
- Pregnancy Test-Everyone I know (including myself) makes fun of the show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. I saw a portion of it over the weekend about a mother who was breastfeeding and didn't know she was pregnant because she had already gained weight, didn't have a period, had heavy boobs and back pain from nursing, was tired from her infant, etc. I irrationally freaked out thinking, "OMG! What if I'm pregnant and don't know?" I had no reason to assume I could be, but neither did the lady on the show. Anyway, one Dollar Tree negative pregnancy test later and all is well. I'll admit I was slightly disappointed not seeing another pink line, but Jesse and I aren't exactly wanting/planning for two children under the age of one!
Research study-I signed Jackson and I up to participate in a research study through UNC about DHA levels in breastmilk. I had specific directions on how to pump and store my breastmilk sample. Jackson and I headed to the research campus in Kannapolis to deliver the milk sample, fill out some paperwork, and give a DNA saliva sample. The researcher had to take five swabs of Jackson's mouth and it took ten minutes. She told me beforehand that she would stop at any time if he was uncomfortable or irritated. I told her to make silly sounds and do lots of baby talk. She did and sure enough, the child was genuinely laughing and cooing the entire time. She even said, "After working with hundreds of infants, this is the happiest baby I've ever seen!"
- Exercise-I was proud of myself for "jogging" 4 miles on the elliptical in 46 minutes. Jesse also jogged 4 miles, but he chose to do so in the heat of the day around the neighborhood. I enjoyed my air conditioning and TV. It's irritating that Jesse and I can't just go to the gym together, but I don't think I'll ever trust the Child Watch at the gym.
- Aldi trip-Jackson and I normally stay home while Jesse does the grocery shopping every week. I wanted to go with him this time since we're planning out all new menus and making healthier purchases. I forgot the Ergo so we had to cram all the groceries and Jackson in his carseat in the buggy.
- Bubble bath-Neither Jesse nor I could remember the last time we gave Jackson a bath, so we thought it best to bathe him after dinner. He was having the best time. He kept grabbing the washcloth from me and putting it in his mouth. While he was highly entertaining and adorable, he made me nervous wiggling around so much.
Exersaucer-Jesse put Jackson in our exersaucer while I was gone and Jackson had a blast. He isn't quite able to push the keys hard enough with his hand, but he's so tall that he can tap the keys on the floormat. He doesn't really smile but he shows serious concentration watching the keys light up and listening to the sounds.
- Rolling over-Jesse said it was a fluke, but Jackson definitely rolled over on his own from back to tummy while I was gone. Jackson was trying to eat his toy links. He hasn't rolled any since.
That should bring us up to speed.
Excuse me, but rolling over, witnessed by you or not is text, if not phone call worthy. Shame.
ReplyDeleteOn a hilarious note, I *just* told Elizabeth about the 3 months post partum pregnancy test standard! Guess I forgot to tell you! After all five of my babies, I have somehow managed to convince myself I was pregnant at the 3 month mark (since that's when your hormones settle and you start to resusme a few more 'normal' things). Hilarious that you took one.
FYI, I have successfully avoided taking a test this time because (after 4 priors) I finally knew better =P